Saturday, August 1, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Today was Stacey's baby shower and despite a somewhat ugly cake--due to the head baker being out because of a family emergency and the backup baker seemingly not having any cake decorating skills--I think it was a success. Stacey got great presents and I can't believe the baby will be here in about a month wearing the little clothes and being carried around in the Baby Bjorn that she got today.

Barbara (my mom) knitted Stacey the most beautiful blanket and hat--staying up late to make sure it got finished in time for the party--and it got me thinking of all the amazing things she has done for me and my sisters throughout our lives. If I'm half as good as Barbara is at being a mom, I think I will have succeeded. Everyone who meets Barbara loves her and she makes friends wherever she goes, including the young moms in Max's kindergarten class. My sisters and I have learned so much from her growing up, things that stick with us today and I know that we will pass down to our children. For instance:
  • Never pick up feathers. They could be from a sick bird.
  • Always bring a sweater or jacket when going out at night. Even if it's hot now, it could get cooler or the place where you are going could be cold. (Note, I was probably the only person on Bora Bora who brought a sweater to dinner).
  • Never run with scissors and always hold the pointy part in your fist. Both Tracy and I always remember Barbara telling us that when she was in second grade, a girl had a glass eye from running with scissors.
  • Rubber soles are essential for children. I would have given anything for patent leather shoes. In kindergarten, I was the only one girl at a birthday party who didn't have them. While I'm sure my leather Stride Rite party shoes were nice, they weren't shiny. (Note, Barbara seemed to lighten up on this rule though by the time Mel was in elementary school. If I remember correctly, she had black AND white ones.) Don't get me and Tracy started on clogs either....
  • When trying on jeans, you need to try on multiple pairs of the same size; they all fit differently.
  • NEVER take a bubble bath--they cause infections. To this day, I have never taken a bubble bath--although I sometimes threaten too.
  • You never know where or when you will meet someone. I really didn't think she was right about this one, but meeting my husband after working together for two years and never speaking, I am a true believer.
  • Changing tables are evil--Don't get her started on all the reasons why....

So, these are just some words of wisdom that I pass along to new moms. And to my mom, thank you for everything. You are the best.


  1. Barbara is amazing! Your mom is the absolute sweetest. Being around her, you and your sisters is always such a treat. You are so cute have such a bond.

    The blanket and hat are so beautiful! That was beyond touching to me. This is the only handmade gift the little guy has received...he is going to love it so much. I can't wait to bundle him up in it.

    Thank you for today. It was amazing. Even the cake. I didn't think it was ugly at all!

  2. I agree-- we have the best mom-- hands down. and while I did in fact have black AND white patent leather shoes, I never had clogs either.


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