Sunday, August 30, 2009

Piper part deux

As I write this, Piper is sleeping in the bathroom. She's not even on the rug but curled up in the corner between the sink and bathtub. And, I'm on the comfy couch. Also, for the past three mornings, she hasn't eaten all her food. Piper LOVES food and would always gobble it up--well, she once went through a brief period for about two weeks where she didn't like her food and would look at me as if saying: "What the heck is this?" I had to buy doggie gravy to mix in her dry food and that seemed to work.

So on Friday night, she left one piece of kibble (not crazy about that word but can't think of how else to describe it) which I thought was funny. Then yesterday, she left about a quarter of the food in her bowl and then again this morning, she left about the same amount. I think she may be on the Adele Feldman diet. This was a friend of my grandmother's who would say that you should only eat half of the food on your plate so you don't gain weight.

I hope Pipe comes out of her funk. I took Piper out for a walk in her orange monogrammed raincoat yesterday. She looked so cute!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Quickly They Grow Up

Just back from JP Licks and ready to watch Top Chef. Before I begin, I have to address a pet peeve. It drives me crazy when a patron asks the person behind the counter a zillion questions, not taking into consideration that there is a huge line behind them. Really, you have to ask what's a sundae and does whipped cream count as a topping? And, don't ask what color the ice cream is. This happened tonight and the other week at the restaurant at Bloomingdale's when two girls were pondering what fruit to put in their smoothie like they were making a life-altering decision. Either order or get out of line.

Now on to the subject of the night. The end of August always represents change--going back to school, preparing for the new year and growing up. I'm sure as thousands of families hug their children goodbye as they go off to college, they are also saddened by the quietness of the house. For the first time, I feel like I can relate to families going through this bittersweet process.

For those who know Piper, they know that she is a bit timid and although has a big bark, it masks her shyness. Until you get to know her, she doesn't like to be pet or even looked in the eye. Piper is super dedicated to me, always following me around the apartment, going from the bedroom, living room and kitchen, and almost always sitting with me wherever I am. As I type now, she is curled up laying on my legs. If I run down to get the mail or go to Dunkin Donuts, she acts like I have been gone for days when I return. I have to admit I really do love Pipey's extreme dedication to me. At bedtime, she knows that after we go out, it's bed time and she will jump on the bed while I wash up and brush my teethe. She would always sleep on the bed and jump back and forth between the bed and her dog bed.

However, lately I have noticed that Piper sometimes goes to bed before me or hangs out in the bedroom while we are in the living room. And then, for the past week, I have woken up and found Piper sleeping in the bathroom. While she is always happy to see me, it got me thinking.

Piper is growing up. While this may sound silly, I feel like she is telling us that she wants her own room and doesn't need to sleep with me anymore. On the other hand, how sad is it that her own room is a bathroom...

While this may sound kind of silly,I feel like I can relate to parents getting ready to send their child to kindergarten or even to college. You are happy they are doing well and growing up, but a bit sad that they don't need you as much. I know that a dog is no way equal to having a child but it is a bit of the same thing on a smaller scale.

Anyway, change is part of life and this August is no different. A lot of changes are on the horizon and I'm going to embrace it. I am happy for P's newfound confidence and know that she still loves me best and needs me, especially in thundar storms and apparently during loud Paul McCartney concerts.

I'm looking forward to see what this school new year has to bring. It should be exciting.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer loving

I start getting antsy come August, knowing that the summer is almost over. I never enjoy the Fall since it is the precursor to cold weather. This summer, we got gyped out of over a month of good weather, and while some people say this means that we will have a warm September, the fact that it isn't summer anymore doesn't appease me. This year, I will try to enjoy the fall and not think about the coming months but in the meantime here are just some reasons that I love the summer:
  • Summer dresses
  • Lobster rolls (and any form of lobster)
  • Annual Martha's Vineyard trip
  • Day trips in the convertible
  • The beach, even including the icky, sandy feeling you get after you leave the beach and are too lazy to take a shower
  • Frozen yogurt with rainbow sprinkles
  • Sandals and flip flops, although I did see a disturbing segment on the Today Show yesterday about how flip flops are ridden with germs. I think as long as I don't lick them I should be okay.
  • Blueberries and watermelon, but mainly blueberries
  • Walking to the Ice Cream Truck on Boylston St. across from the Four Seasons
  • Sangria, red or white, especially when it is full of fruit and I can pretend I'm eating fruit salad
  • Eating outside on Newbury Street
  • Not wearing jeans or socks
  • Piper being exhausted and dirty after playing outside all day
So, here are some things that I will look forward to this fall:
  • Pumpkins, with long stems
  • Apple picking
  • Warm apple cider, prefably with a cinnemon stick
  • A new baby to play with and buy things for
  • Day trips on nice cool days (but no convertible)
  • Halloween
  • Getting wedding photos from photographer (although I really think this won't be until December...)
  • Thanksgiving, my all time favorite holiday
And finally, here are some things I hate regardless of the weather:
  • Tardiness (There is almost no reason to ever be late).
  • Mediocrity
  • Not caring about doing a good job
  • Abbreviations
  • Not saying thank you

But back to summer and happy thoughts. I will take full advantage of the next two weeks and wear a dress every day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer fun

Tonight ends what was a great summer weekend and really represents what I love most about summer. Hot weather, beach, friends and good food! Friday night, Tim and I ate at Neptune Oyster, a tiny restaurant in the North End that got Best of Boston for something or other this year and I wanted to check it out. While we had to wait about 45 minutes or maybe an hour for two seats at the bar, it was definitely worth it. The hostess/waitress totally had her hands full--while she must have wanted to smack some of the annoying people who kept coming back saying "I know you said you would call me when our table was ready, but I wanted to check how much longer" (ok, full disclosure, I did it too but nicely), she kept her cool. Anyway, it was great and I recommend the lobster roll which Tim got. There was some fisherman festival in the North End so it was packed with locals and tourists. A great night.

Moving on to Saturday, the girls and I went to what may be the biggest hidden gem in Massachusetts. $5 for beach parking, a beautiful beach and not many people: who needs the Cape? I usually don't frollick in the ocean because I have this weird thing about being able to see my feet and an aversion to seaweed (could be from when I got stung by a man o' war in Florida when I was little but that's another story), but I went in the ocean three times. There were some huge waves and despite getting knocked around a bit, it was so fun. We then hung out in Newburyport (which it turns out I had been to once before), ate, shopped (why pay 50 cents for a lollipop when you can get them for free at the bank?), and ate some more. It was one of those special summer days that make the summer so great and that I will remember come January and it's freezing outside.

While things are definitely going to be changing soon, it was a great semi-end to the summer. Thank you, ladies!

Had another great day on Sunday with a trip to Kittery, Maine. Highlight: Chauncey Creek Lobster Pier. Nothing beats lobster rolls and corn on the cob. It's BYOB so people come with wine, beer, salads, table cloths, watermelon--everything actually. So fun! I want to go back with Tim. I would even go next week!

Weekend's over and now I'm looking forward to Tim getting home to hear about his adventures in NJ, and watch Entourage.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Random thoughts for today

First off, the curling iron was sort of a fiasco and didn't creat the frizz free, perfectly formed curls that I envisioned a la my hair guru Julianna Margulies. For some reason the part that I twisted around the curling iron became all straight and I just had a weird curl at the bottom. Not a great look in case you thought otherwise. I have not given up yet though and will try again before returning it to Target or storing it in the depths of the closet with my hair straightener, various gels, sprays and mouse, headbands that hurt my head too much to wear them and other products that I thought would change my life.

So, on to other equally pressing matters. Movies. Last night during So I Think You Can Dance, I saw the preview for the new Fame remake and while I typically don't believe in remakes, I loved the original and the tv show with my new favorite lady Debbie Allen and I think I will see it. It got me thinking to other favorite movies and I realized that I may have odd tastes. Sure, I liked the John Hughes moves (that is very sad btw), but they don't rank as my favorites. Here are some of my favorite hidden classics (in no particular order as they say on Dancing with the Stars):

  • Cousins--Besides me and Mel, I'm not sure who has seen this movie with Ted Danson and Isabella Rosalini that came out in 1989. While I haven't seen it in quite a few years, it was so good! I love this movie.

  • Doc Hollywood--Tim actually agrees with me that this is a good one and will watch it when it's on, but not sure if he loves it as much as I do.

  • The Fugitive--Dr. Kimble, find the man with the one arm! This may be my favorite "thriller" movies of all times.

  • Footloose--I'm not sure sure how the new one will hold up against the classic. I will definitely watch it whever it is on. In a sidenote, I think this is the movie that Mel when she was little asked my mom what a virgin is.
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall--I watched this again last night--the "unedited" version. Still good the third time around.

I feel like I'm missing a movie so stay tuned for updates. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Today was Stacey's baby shower and despite a somewhat ugly cake--due to the head baker being out because of a family emergency and the backup baker seemingly not having any cake decorating skills--I think it was a success. Stacey got great presents and I can't believe the baby will be here in about a month wearing the little clothes and being carried around in the Baby Bjorn that she got today.

Barbara (my mom) knitted Stacey the most beautiful blanket and hat--staying up late to make sure it got finished in time for the party--and it got me thinking of all the amazing things she has done for me and my sisters throughout our lives. If I'm half as good as Barbara is at being a mom, I think I will have succeeded. Everyone who meets Barbara loves her and she makes friends wherever she goes, including the young moms in Max's kindergarten class. My sisters and I have learned so much from her growing up, things that stick with us today and I know that we will pass down to our children. For instance:
  • Never pick up feathers. They could be from a sick bird.
  • Always bring a sweater or jacket when going out at night. Even if it's hot now, it could get cooler or the place where you are going could be cold. (Note, I was probably the only person on Bora Bora who brought a sweater to dinner).
  • Never run with scissors and always hold the pointy part in your fist. Both Tracy and I always remember Barbara telling us that when she was in second grade, a girl had a glass eye from running with scissors.
  • Rubber soles are essential for children. I would have given anything for patent leather shoes. In kindergarten, I was the only one girl at a birthday party who didn't have them. While I'm sure my leather Stride Rite party shoes were nice, they weren't shiny. (Note, Barbara seemed to lighten up on this rule though by the time Mel was in elementary school. If I remember correctly, she had black AND white ones.) Don't get me and Tracy started on clogs either....
  • When trying on jeans, you need to try on multiple pairs of the same size; they all fit differently.
  • NEVER take a bubble bath--they cause infections. To this day, I have never taken a bubble bath--although I sometimes threaten too.
  • You never know where or when you will meet someone. I really didn't think she was right about this one, but meeting my husband after working together for two years and never speaking, I am a true believer.
  • Changing tables are evil--Don't get her started on all the reasons why....

So, these are just some words of wisdom that I pass along to new moms. And to my mom, thank you for everything. You are the best.

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