Thursday, April 16, 2009

Splenda is Not Equal

I've been going to the same Dunkin Donuts in Newton for years on my way to work and really love that they know my order without even asking--medium French Vanilla, cream and sugar. The people who work behind the counter are always friendly and efficient and there is rarely a line since they get everyone's orders so quickly. And, the people who buy their coffee always seem pleasant too-until today.

Today, as I got into a brief line, I heard a man say, "I said Splenda, not Equal." As someone who worked in the food business as a waitress for years in college, I can understand getting an order wrong or making a mistake once in a while. When you are serving person after person, sometimes what they are saying blurs.

The woman behind the counter said, "Okay, was it two Splenda?" And the man said, "No, I said four." Not a big deal, right? Personally, I don't think I would be able to tell the difference between the two but if that's what the guy wanted, fine, and the woman could just change the order, right? Wrong. The man then said, "Forget it. I'm out of here" and he stormed off with some lady he was with, muttering about the "idiots behind the counter." Beyond rude and I would be totally embarrassed if I was the woman with that man.

I was very glad to see that the guy next in line said something nice to the woman who made the mistake and a few people chuckled at the man's rudeness. I just don't get sometimes how people can be so rude and don't they realize how they act and what they say affects others? And, to get so mad about something as silly as the blue vs. yellow packets of artificial sweetener is ridiculous.


  1. Four Splenda??? The guy has more than one problem. Your Dunkin Donuts sounds really nice. I change my mind too often to have a regular order, but I was touched when the owner of a new coffee shop I've been visiting greeted me by name.

  2. It's too bad nobody said anything to the customer. Something alone the lines of, "why are you such a d&ck?." In addition to being rude, he is pretty dumb. How much of his coffee would he have consumed in the time it took him to leave, get in the car, drive to another Dunks and order again? Not a good use of time management.


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