Thursday, March 26, 2009

Few thoughts

I am so sick of that commercial that is always on the radio about that little boy talking to his father about the baseball game they went to when the boy was young. I'm not even sure what the commercial is for--I think social services or some organization dedicated to spending time with your kids. Anyway, the dad in the commercial couldn't seem more bored and doesn't even remember the story the boy is telling. The boy's like, remember that time we went to the baseball game and you didn't have enough money for hotdogs and we had to walk really far for you to find an ATM and you put me on your shoulders. And, when we finally got back to our seats, the hotdog guy never came? The dad was like: well, i don't remember that part. The boy then says something like, that was fun.

This annoys me for a variety of reasons. First of all, the dad should be prepared with money if he is going to a baseball game. How does he expect to buy hotdogs or any snacks? That is just ridiculous. If you are going to a baseball game with your child, be prepared. And, why doesn't he remember that part? If the boy thought it was so fun and stuck out in his mind, then you would think the father would too. I hope they stop playing this commercial soon. I turn the volume to zero when it comes on.

Tonight, I'm going to Max's school play where he is going to be an elephant. I can't wait. I love going back to Baker School and seeing everything that used to look so big and imposing seem so small. Mel ran into Mrs. Garabedian, our 7th and 8th grade Language Arts teacher, yesterday waiting for the train. Good for her for saying hello. I don't think I would have. She scared me. And, I'm not sure I would have recognized her.


  1. The father ran out of money because he spent it all on beer, which is also why he doesn't remember much.
    BTW, who turns the volume to zero?

  2. Honestly, I've never heard that commercial. But it sounds stupid. Probably because Dads can be stupid. I bet if the kid went with his Mom she would have been prepared. And she would have remembered it. Maybe kids are just better off with Moms.

    Nice controversial first post, Lauren. Kudos. And, welcome to blogging. If you are a loser with no life and only a few friends like me, you will love it.

    Have fun with the elephant tonight. Nothing says fun like a giant elephant in the room.

  3. Did they sell hot dogs at the school play? What if the kid in that commercial was in the play?


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