Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer loving

I start getting antsy come August, knowing that the summer is almost over. I never enjoy the Fall since it is the precursor to cold weather. This summer, we got gyped out of over a month of good weather, and while some people say this means that we will have a warm September, the fact that it isn't summer anymore doesn't appease me. This year, I will try to enjoy the fall and not think about the coming months but in the meantime here are just some reasons that I love the summer:
  • Summer dresses
  • Lobster rolls (and any form of lobster)
  • Annual Martha's Vineyard trip
  • Day trips in the convertible
  • The beach, even including the icky, sandy feeling you get after you leave the beach and are too lazy to take a shower
  • Frozen yogurt with rainbow sprinkles
  • Sandals and flip flops, although I did see a disturbing segment on the Today Show yesterday about how flip flops are ridden with germs. I think as long as I don't lick them I should be okay.
  • Blueberries and watermelon, but mainly blueberries
  • Walking to the Ice Cream Truck on Boylston St. across from the Four Seasons
  • Sangria, red or white, especially when it is full of fruit and I can pretend I'm eating fruit salad
  • Eating outside on Newbury Street
  • Not wearing jeans or socks
  • Piper being exhausted and dirty after playing outside all day
So, here are some things that I will look forward to this fall:
  • Pumpkins, with long stems
  • Apple picking
  • Warm apple cider, prefably with a cinnemon stick
  • A new baby to play with and buy things for
  • Day trips on nice cool days (but no convertible)
  • Halloween
  • Getting wedding photos from photographer (although I really think this won't be until December...)
  • Thanksgiving, my all time favorite holiday
And finally, here are some things I hate regardless of the weather:
  • Tardiness (There is almost no reason to ever be late).
  • Mediocrity
  • Not caring about doing a good job
  • Abbreviations
  • Not saying thank you

But back to summer and happy thoughts. I will take full advantage of the next two weeks and wear a dress every day.


  1. You're not doing the beach right if you're willing to bypass the shower. Sand should be EVERYWHERE.

    And I don't believe that you hate abbreviations. yt, LA

  2. You forgot to put "season 6 of SYTYCD" under things to look forward to in the Fall!

  3. I forgot to add that and the return of House, Dancing with the Stars, Project Runway, Law & Order SVU....I love Fall TV season! Also, it makes me laugh that you know what season of SYTYCD is!

  4. what about how it doesn't get dark until 8:45?
    anyhoo, the fall blows and as you know, i start dreading the end of the summer once July 4th hits.


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