Tuesday, March 31, 2009


What a great weekend. Friday night, I went to Dali with S and her friend who was visiting. I really think that the Garlic Shrimp is among my top 5 best foods if I had such a list. That and sangria just puts me in a good mood. On Saturday morning, Piper woke up at 6:45, meaning that I woke up at 6:45 and had to take her out. She can sleep forever during the week but come Saturday, she wakes up bright and early. She was in a great mood on Saturday, even playing fetch with bones and looking through her toy chest. In the afternoon, Tim and I took the train downtown to the jeweler and ordered wedding bands. That was fun and I really love mine. Then, we walked over to Houston's in Faneuil Hall and got this crazy artichoke thing and sushi. Very good. There was this really annoying duo of ladies--one of them from France--who kept saying, "In France..." The American lady kept asking the waitress for things and then pretending that she felt bad asking for all these things when you know darn well that she didn't. Then this man joined them, who I think worked at the restaurant as manager or something. He acted like he owned the place. He was complaining about the wait staff and was like, "these people are so ignorant, they don't know the correct way to do things...." Not that I listened to their entire conversation but I couldn't help hear some stuff.

Then, later on that night for dinner, we went to Vinny's at Night and met S. and her friend there. Looking back, I did a lot of eating this weekend! On Sunday, I went home and we cleaned the upstairs and then B and I went shopping. All in all, a great weekend!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Carnival of the Animals

Last night was Max's kindergarten play Carnival of the Animals. They put it on at night for the parents. It was so well done and was really the cutest play ever. One of the teachers was the narrator and different animals came out and did a little dance. Max was an elephant and did such a great job. He didn't break character once and his arm was in front of his nose the entire time. The costumes for all the animals were so great and the little kids were so excited and proud. One little boy fell as he came out but he got right back up again. So so cute. And, one of the cutest parts was the program. They had a little "bio" about each of the children. Some said what they wanted to be when the grow up--one little girl wants to be a nail painter or the person who comes up with the names for crayons--or who was going to be watching them. Max's was super cute. He said that he makes a great elephant because he has a great trunk and that in the audience will be his mom, dad, sister, grandma and aunties. It said that Max is very lucky because he has two aunties! Me and Mel felt so great that he must talk about us at school and that we make a positive impression on him. All in all, a great play.

Looking forward to this weekend. Tonight, I'm going to dinner with S. and a friend who's in town and tomorrow, Tim and I are looking at wedding bands. This is take two since the first time we went two weeks ago, they were closed. We went to Pizzaria Regina instead. Three months from today is the wedding!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Few thoughts

I am so sick of that commercial that is always on the radio about that little boy talking to his father about the baseball game they went to when the boy was young. I'm not even sure what the commercial is for--I think social services or some organization dedicated to spending time with your kids. Anyway, the dad in the commercial couldn't seem more bored and doesn't even remember the story the boy is telling. The boy's like, remember that time we went to the baseball game and you didn't have enough money for hotdogs and we had to walk really far for you to find an ATM and you put me on your shoulders. And, when we finally got back to our seats, the hotdog guy never came? The dad was like: well, i don't remember that part. The boy then says something like, that was fun.

This annoys me for a variety of reasons. First of all, the dad should be prepared with money if he is going to a baseball game. How does he expect to buy hotdogs or any snacks? That is just ridiculous. If you are going to a baseball game with your child, be prepared. And, why doesn't he remember that part? If the boy thought it was so fun and stuck out in his mind, then you would think the father would too. I hope they stop playing this commercial soon. I turn the volume to zero when it comes on.

Tonight, I'm going to Max's school play where he is going to be an elephant. I can't wait. I love going back to Baker School and seeing everything that used to look so big and imposing seem so small. Mel ran into Mrs. Garabedian, our 7th and 8th grade Language Arts teacher, yesterday waiting for the train. Good for her for saying hello. I don't think I would have. She scared me. And, I'm not sure I would have recognized her.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Inaugural Post

I've decided to move on from Piper's blog to create my own. I caution you now that I probably won't have very deep posts but I want it to try it and see what happens. I'm fiddling around with settings and layout so hopefully it will be better looking in a bit.
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